Wednesday 14 May 2014

Advertisement Review

      1.       This is an advertisement for Starbucks Coffee. It shows someone’s eyelid being taped upwards in order for the person to stay awake. As you can see, “Staying awake will never be this painful anymore” is written below the photo. What Starbucks Coffee is trying to convey is, when you drink their coffee, staying awake would not be a problem for you anymore because their coffee will keep you awake. Clearly this is shown to promote Starbucks Coffee. This is because people nowadays do many ridiculous things just to try to stay awake. Sometimes, it is even unhealthy for the body for example, smoking, eating junk food, drinking too much of energy drinks and even taping their eyelids as shown in the advert.

2.       The persuasive technique used in this advertisement is ‘Humor’. This persuasive technique makes consumers laugh and often gives consumers little information about the product. It is obvious that this Starbucks Coffee advertisement is very eye-catching and humorous. Also, not much information is written on the advert which makes the consumer want to find out more about the product. The advertisement being something unusual will grab the attention of the audience and make them remember the advertisement and product. In addition to that, the advertisement makes the audience curious to try it as it seems to be able to wake the consumer up with no trouble at all.

3.       The target audiences for Starbucks Coffee are mostly teenagers and working adults. This is because, teenagers tend to spend their allowances on fancy drinks, Starbucks Coffee being one of them where else, working adults have the money to spend on pricier coffee. Moreover, coffee indulging is now the trend that is brought about by many teenagers and even adults in today’s generation. Also, Starbucks tend to target audience who wants to enjoy more than just a cup of coffee but audiences who prefer the whole Starbucks experience including the atmosphere, surrounding and smells that are experienced when at a Starbucks café.

4.       Yes, this is an effective advertisement. Not only does it catch the audiences’ eye, but makes them remember as it is not a usual, everyday ad. Moreover, the fact that this advertisement is very visual and creative helps a lot in attracting the audiences who are soon-to-be customers of Starbucks Coffee. If I were to see this advertisement, I would definitely be interested to try Starbucks Coffee because I want to see if it does what it says on the ad. Also mentioned on the ad is, “It’s not just coffee. It’s Starbucks.” makes you think if there’s more to it than just a normal cup of boring coffee that can be bought anywhere else.

5.       Firstly, I would change the skin tone of the person on the advertisement. This is being said because it is hard to read the word ‘STARBUCKS’ below due to the clash of dark tones. It won’t be possible to change the color of the word ‘STARBUCKS’ because Starbucks Coffee is known for their signature dark green font. Secondly, I would probably change the size of the bottom font slightly larger so it can be seen clearly what and where the advert is for and from. Also, the Starbucks logo can be made slightly larger. That would be all as I think this advertisement is quite brilliant. 
1)  The main message of this advertisement to the audience is that this is the first absorbent anti-perspirant deodorant spray produced by Adidas. It is also clearly shown that this deodorant spray is for only for women, which is stated on the deodorant spray bottle and also having a professional female tennis player to promote the product.  This advertisement also tells us that the product has an absorbent active which is ten times more absorbent than an ordinary sweat band that people use when doing sport. Besides, it convince the audience by stating that this deodorant spray is developed alongside with athlete to produce a perfect and suitable use for female athletes. There is also a short sentence by the professional female tennis player saying that the deodorant spray keeps her freash and dry on and off the court.

2)      The persuasive technique used in this advertisement is ‘celebrity  spokesperson’. Adidas uses Ana Ivanovic, a popular professional female tennis player to grab the attention of the audience.  Ava Inanovic is one of the world top female tennis player and she is well-known around the world. Adidas then use her to promote this very new product and hoping to create an impact in introducing this new product. Ivanovic also has a slim and attractive body and looks which catches people attention. By having a celebrity in the advertisement, people will then have a better look of this product and this sets a higher standard for the product. People will think that this is a trustable and good product which they can consider purchasing it.

2)      The target audience for this advertisement is young and active females. It is quite obvious that this product is targeting females, having a female tennis player as the main attraction and the bottle of deodorant spray which stated ‘for woman’ is shown clearly. The specific female audience which is targeting will be the younger girls who is active in sport and probably need to use an absorbent anti-perspirant deodorant spray while exercising or doing activities. This advertisement is targeted towards the category of young woman and not elderly woman because young woman’s does is more adventurous and does more activities or sports compare to elderly woman. Moreover, this advertisement uses bright colours like pink, blue and white, which is one of few favorite colours for young women.

3)      For my opinion, I think that this is a good advertisement and it is effective. Firstly, it has a huge picture of an attractive and well-known person in the middle of the advertisement. Having such an attractive body and looks from the tennis player, people will definitely want to have a glance and see what is the advertisement about, and by just looking at the advertisement, people will definitely not miss the picture of the product and the name of the brand. Next, the colour used in the advertisement is fairly important, a bright and striking colour works the best. In this advertisement, it includes three main colour, pink, blue and white, which is a bright colour and it is able to grab people’s attention.

4)      There are changes that could be made to make this a better advertisement. The font size of the wordings in this advertisement is too small, it should be bigger and clearer so that people can read the full sentence properly. Besides, the name and the logo in the advertisement need to be bigger in order for people to see it from a distance. Another idea to improve this advertisement is to include a slogan in it. The slogan should be short and catchy so that people like the slogan and can remember the advertisement by that particular slogan about that product.

1    1.     The message being conveyed in this ad is very straight forward. This advertisement is mainly advertising Nike. It is trying to convey a message that when it comes to playing football or soccer with Nike, it’s all about risking everything. Towards the end of the advertisement, they show you “RISK EVERYTHING” in all caps lock. People could tell that is Nike’s slogan for the advertisement. It also shows that with Nike, everyone can be a star. In the beginning of the advertisement, they show a group of teenage boys starting to play a game of football. They suddenly transform into football stars like Christiano Ronaldo, Neymar, Wayne Rooney, Gerard Pique and many more celebrity football stars. Another message that Nike’s advertisement has conveyed is that people around the world can share their football dreams with them by just showing them their game. It is proven in the end of the ad where they made a hashtag called #RiskEverything . This is a way to let fans of Nike experience their football dreams and they might just get noticed by Nike.

2.       One of the persuasive techniques that is being employed in this ad is Celebrity Spokesperson. Football stars are being starred in this ad and are promoting Nikes product by just wearing their football gear like jerseys, socks, football shoes and a whole lot more. Consumers would admire them and would think that the ad would be a worthwhile watch.  Another persuasive technique would be humor. Eventhough this technique gives out little information of the product, people would continue viewing the advertisement because there is humor in the ad. When the ad is humorous, people will tend to remember it. Other than that, Individuality is another persuasive technique because it is up to an individual to view the ad. Some viewers may think this ad is cool because it consists of the football stars showing off their skills. They would also think this ad is different because this ad is a little longer and it comes off more like a short movie clip. These techniques have been shown. When the ad gets more attention from viewers, the product is more likely to be talked about.

3.       The target audience would mainly be among the male gender. Male teens would also be another one of their target audience. This is because mostly the male genders have a strong interest towards football and this interest slowly makes them start to play the sport. Nike has brought their attention more towards to them because consumers buy products from them.  A small percentage of girls would also be one of the target audiences because there are some girls who take up football as a sport. But this advertisement has been more known to the males as to the females.

4.       Yes this is an effective ad. Nike’s latest ad has caught much attention because of their persuasive techniques. Nike has good way of marketing and branding their product. Nikes advertisement is an effective ad because they have collaborated with many football stars. Nike is also sponsors to most football clubs and people around the world have noticed this. This way, Nike is known for selling football club jerseys. Nike’s ad has caught a lot of teenager’s attention. This advertisement also looks very fun and easy and has managed to capture the audience’s attention. Even though this ad did not focus more on the product, they managed to show the audiences what they really want to see.

5.       If I had to change some things about this advertisement to make it better, it would be to focus more on the product and its name “Nike” too fully get the audience’s attention. This can show people that Nike is the sport outlet that they should spend their money at and not other sport outlets like Adidas, Reebok and more other sport outlets. Another thing would be to show the football stars and the teens replacing each other while playing the sport more often to stress more upon the fact that people around the world get to live their dreams as a football star and that Nike can make it happen for them.


1.    In this advertisement of a Nikon camera the producers are trying to convey the message that anyone is able to take photos and capturing beautiful moments that can be treasured in the future. It makes the audience realize how beautiful life is, and that all little things in life matter, and in order to remember those little things they must capture it with a camera. This ad also implies that it is suitable for absolutely anything and for anyone, it is trying to say that it's simple by using the phrase 'I am easy for everyone'.

2.    The ad has a lot of persuasive techniques because even I, myself, after watching this ad really wanted to get the nikon D3200 because of how I felt. I felt nostaligc and couldn't help but smile. The reason being, in the video itself it creates an idealistic image of the world on how beautiful everything is by showing how happy the people are, and also the way they added clips of special moments which people tend to treasure the most. For example, a babies laugh, a daughter getting married, and a loved one in a competition, these are all moments that make everyone smile even the audience themselves. Another persuasive technique shown in this video is how they chose a celebrity, Jamie Oliver, to be in it together with his daughter.

3.    The target audience are seen to be people who like photography but at the same time, it is meant for everyone. The ad may be specifically directed to adults who are into photography, however since the ad shows so much life, it can be for anyone as they're message is conveying how easy it is to be a photographer, and all a person must be able to do is to capture moments they think is special to them.
Overall, the target audience would be young adults and older because they are the ones who are interested in capturing the life of their young ones growing up and experiencing new things.

4.    It was a very effective ad because of the use of slogans and repetition. “I am...”and ending with “I am the Nikon D3200.” It helps the audience remember the phrases easily and connects their mind to the product. Another thing that was effective in this ad was how it had an emotional appeal towards it, as the audience felt delighted and sentimental which makes them feel the same towards the product. Lastly, the song used was a calming and cheerful tune which again leads to the emotional appeal in the ad itself.

5.    Although the ad has included a lot of good techniques to promoting the product there are somethings that can be improved such as adding more characters in the ad, I personally found it quite short and finished a little too early.  Since it was only 30 minutes long, they could have added 30 seconds more by adding more scenes of other types of memorable incidents. Another thing that could be changed would be the tone of voice the man has at the end, to be more sensitive and calm and maybe a little less cheerful to relate back to the audience's emotions.


1   1.     We all should always be proud of who we are and never change our identity under any circumstances. The advertisement simply shows us, that no matter how westernized we Asians can get, our strong culture and inheritance will follow us throughout our entire life. We should step up and take a chance to honour and uphold it because it defines our character as an individual. The advertisement also teaches us to not be arrogant and snobbish. As much as those guys did not want to see their grandmother, they still spoke to her in Tamil when she approached them.

2.      Emotional appeals could be the technique used. The advertisement had no relation to the product produced by the company and it was merely an advertisement to portray their good image.  When I watched the advertisement, it did leave an emotional impact because I have gone through almost the same situation, where I would be embarrassed to admit that I am Indian but had left with no choice. The advertisement gave a little courage to actually proudly admit that I am Indian. It also made me feel a little recognized, in the sense where, PETRONAS, a famous petrol brand in Malaysia has used my mother tongue, Tamil, to be used as the main language in the advertisement. 

3.      The target audience would ultimately be the Indians because of the language and humor featured in the advertisement. Based on my opinion, the exact target market would be, Indian teenagers aged from 16 to 21 and young Indian adults aged from 22-30. However, it could also be watched by people of any ethnicity because of the subtitles given in the advertisement. I honestly feel that the target market could also be teenagers in Malaysia in general. The advertisement is trying to tell us to not be ashamed of our traditions and this applies to all our teenagers in Malaysia because we are a multi-racial country. 

4.      This is definitely an effective ad. The reason behind this successful ad is the fact that people can actually relate themselves to the advertisement. Most Malaysians these days could not be bothered about the roots and inheritance. They tend to ignore their rich culture to be pretentious and they would always choose to speak English with slang and they would also never admit that they could speak their mother tongue.

5.      I would change the actors in the ad. I think that this problem of not acknowledging your ethnicity does not only happen amongst the Indians but also the Malays and the Chinese as well. I would put in Chinese and Malay youngsters to act in the to make more realistic because that is what which is happening now in Malaysia. I would obviously have to change the plot of the advertisement but I would remain with the message in the advertisement. I would also put in more female actors to act in the ad. This problem is not only among the male teenagers but also the female teenagers.

1 comment:

  1. Errr... good job everyone with the advertisement analysis, but may I know who wrote which one, please? There no names credited at the end of each ad analysis.
