Sunday 27 April 2014

Feature Story

            We observed three main things in the library. The conversations, environment and the actions in the library were pretty interesting to us. We heard a few conversations around the library and we manage to get a few quotes from the students. One of it was, “so slow lah this lift, pay so much for this shit!” and when we interviewed the person, the student said that Taylor’s should install another elevator in the library to avoid the queue from building up.

From a distance, it looks like students are really concentrating on their studies or doing group work, but in some occasions, they are just chatting away, talking about where to eat or gossiping. Some are just playing games on their devices or going on social media sites. We have also seen many taking naps and chilling on the sofa because of the cold and quiet environment which makes sleeping comfortable. From what we noticed, many couples spend time in the library together and I can see them living in their own world.

The 5th floor of the library was an extremely peaceful and calm place for students to just sit and study. We personally felt as though we could think clearer than any other place in college. Seeing other people, sitting alone, and busy doing things without even a sound made it so easy for us to concentrate on what we were supposed to be doing, and helped us to absorb and analyze our own surrounding. The vibe in the library was so serene that the level of concentration from others was almost contagious. Students there were so respectful of their surroundings, and there were barely any conversations going on.

The library also seems like it's quite the place to spill secrets and personal stories. People sit around in groups and tell their most personal thoughts and stories. The girl with that shy smile and glasses may leave you thinking again if she's really a saint, but little do you know that she's talking about her closest friend to someone else and has nothing nice to say about her. After our observation in the Taylor's Library, it seems that there are people who love telling stories and gossiping about people to at least a group of people. The library is where you can find so many juicy secrets. People can tell if someone is saying something nasty about someone just by a glance because their facial expression changes. It usually looks like someone's in full distress.

In conclusion, we think that the library isn’t just a place for students to study but so much more. None of us thought that we could learn this much by just observing and keeping our ears open. The world is changing so rapidly that libraries aren’t what they seem to be anymore. Also, gossiping seems to be a Taylor’s students’ past time as it seems to spread like quick fire (and we have only observed the library). Nonetheless, we are glad to have been given the opportunity by Mr. Philip, to experiment and try new things like this.  

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