Thursday 27 March 2014

Vlog task 4: Skye teens magazine

The book/magazine publishing industries are facing difficult times and must
continually innovate in order to remain in business and attract new audiences. For
this week’s task, assume your team is a new book/magazine publishing company in
the area of your interest.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Are news papers dying a slow death?

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The issue being discussed in the video would be the status of print newspaper. Are newspapers doomed? Are these effects the impact of digital age? Many people in this day generation prefer to read news online. There are so many reasons behind this stereotypical act. The most prominent reason that we all know is because the newspaper online is always updated unlike the printed version because the prints are only 1 copy a day. As one of the panelists mentioned earlier, printed newspapers suffers as consumer’s gets news online. Only 5-10% of people actually bother if the print newspaper lives or dies. People are more likely to be engaged in reading online news compared to the old way of reading. News consumers are also producers. By comparing online news to newspaper, take for example The Huffington Post which is a online news aggregator, it is more interactive, news get posted faster and readers get to know other readers point of view. Newspaper is profitable until 2006, and now its collapsing. Newspaper fail to understand what consumer demands. Anybody can be a journalist these days, like a citizen journalism. News in newspaper is has certain higher level creditability compare to news from a citizen journalism. Internet news is revolving. Newspaper haven’t create ‘eyeball catching’ news lie what internet producers. How long for internet to transform to online outlet? Newspaper can’t really replicate online news. Newspaper are subsidizing.

Newspapers business is half the size of it five years before. Andrea Stone from the huffington post says that there are more people who read e-newspapers than the print newspapers.using the e-news (eg- huffington post) readers can get to comment on the news which gives a two-way communication for the readers and also the people in charge of the e-news.
From the news coverage by Al-Jazeera, the panelist shared their thoughts on the slow death of newspapers. It has been said that newspaper business is half the size of what it was 5 years before. According to Andrea Stone from The Huffington Post, in this modern generation, there are more people who read e-newspapers than printed newspapers. Readers who read e-newspapers, for example:- The Huffington Post, are allowed to give their opinions on the post and this provides a two way communication for the readers as well as the publishers of the news online.

We definitely agree that newspapers are facing a slow death. People are all choosing to go online, partially to safe the environment. We believe that reading news online is so much updated than the printed newspaper. People of this day generation, are mostly on the go, getting their news online would be the most convenient way.
However, there are still people from the previous generation who still buy newspaper daily, we believe this is because they have been doing this for a long time so they're not used to reading the news online. In addition, we believe that the newspaer is more trustworthy compared to news online, this reason being that online anyone is able to write for the news so people believe them easily even when it's not accurate.

News on newspaper should be more extraordinary instead of printing the news in the same old pattern and style. Newspaper have to create values that reader s will appreciate. Newspapers can create there advertisement to become more interesting and lively which can attract readers attention. Another way is to print or make the newspaper pages look more colorful.

Some youngsters still have the habit to read newspapers. One of the suggestions to attract young people like us would be, printing out colorful newspapers. People of this day generation prefer colors. It can be proven even in their sense of style and fashion. Colorful newspapers could definitely attract the reader’s eye easier then the black and white newspaper.

Saturday 1 March 2014

Blog Post 2: Role Modeling & Media Effects

We picked Angelina Jolie as an idol we all look up to and we believe that she is loved by most of the young people. Angelina Jolie Voight was born on the 4th of June in Los Angeles, California. Both her parents were actors in Hollywood and she has a brother who is also an actor. Her mother quit acting to raise Angelina and her brother because of the divorce. Angelina Jolie started acting as a child artist in a movie with her dad in the year of 1982. The title of her first film was
“Lookin’ to Get Out”. Her first major role in a film was in the year of 1996 and there was where she met her first husband, Johnny Lee Miller whom she divorced in year of 1999. She got married the second time to Billy Bob Thornton in Las Vegas in 2000. She became one of the highest-paid actresses after acting in
“Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” as the lead role. She gained more prominence after adopting her kids. Her first son, Maddox, was adopted in Cambodia at the age of 3. She then continued to act in the film “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” where she met Brad Pitt, her current fiancé. The couple has 6 children now.  She is not only admired by the young crowd but also the senior citizens. She is not just a celebrity but she is definitely an icon. Many young people admire her because of all the charity and humanitarian work that she does.

Aly Weisman . (2013). How Angelina Jolie Became The Most Famous Actress In The World Read more: Available: Last accessed 27th February 2014.

There are plenty of controversies that this famous person had to overcome. The controversies that this famous person has been involved is opting to have a preventive double mastectomy to prevent getting breast cancer. Breast cancer survivor Melissa Etheridge does not agree with the decision Angelina Jolie made. This led into a big controversy. After that, Angelina Jolie recently announced that she wants another baby but her fiancé, Brad Pitt doesn’t want her to risk her life and just wants her to undergo the lifesaving surgery. Other than that, another controversy that Angelina Jolie had to undergo was her battle with anorexia. She had starved herself and started eating only ‘ancient’ bird grains which helps with weight loss. Angelina Jolie has lost a lot of weight from that but has slowly recovered from it with the help of her fiancé , Brad Pitt. A few of the aspects that the young people will follow from her is that everyone will have their downfalls, and no one is near perfect. Everyone has their own imperfections. Even if people are at their lowest point of their life, there’s always a way to finding a solution to be happy again.

Human's behaviour, especially young adults, tend to imitate their favorite celebrity in terms of lifestyle and the way they behave.  The negative effects would be that young people would basically be living someone else's life and not living their own life to the fullest as they're concentrating on being exactly like their favorite celebrity. Another negative effect would be for the celebrity themselves, it creates a lot of pressure for them as they need to be the perfect role model, or else the media will blame them for every mistake they make. However, the positive effects would be if the celebrity did good things such as charity work, then their fans would follow them and try help society. That's why we chose Angelina Jolie because she is a great role model and has  done a lot of good things to society, helping people in need and doing a lot of charity work.

Yes we think that a famous person can really promote their positive value and behavior to young people. People always look up to what a famous person do and it really influences young people around the world. Young people think that what a celebrity does is right and could benefit to them. Angelina Jolie has visited almost 30 countries and even risked her life. She focused her attention on refugees and people who have been displaced due to conflict. Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Cambodia, Pakistan, Thailand, Ecuador, Kosovo, Kenya, Namibia, Sri Lanka, North Caucasus, Jordan, Egypt, New Delhi, Costa Rica, Chad, Syria, and Iraq includes the places that she has visited.

As an agent of socialization, the media portrays Angelina Jolie in a very favorable manner. This is said because she is a good role model. Not only is she very family orientated, but she also promotes humanitarian causes. She is noted for her work with refugees as a Special Envoy and former Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Over the years, she has contributed to many charitable organizations such as By doing so, she has inspired many of the younger generation as well as the older generation and that is why the media portrays her in such a favorable manner.

Post by:

1. Writer: Tiviya, Edwin, Pearl-Lyn, Esther & Carmen.
2. Editors: 
Tiviya, Edwin, Pearl-Lyn, Esther & Carmen.
3. Researchers: Tiviya, Edwin, Pearl-Lyn, Esther & Carmen.